Cluster Analysis on the Integrated Strength of Minority Areas based on Factor Analytic Method 基于聚类分析的民族地区综合实力实证研究
The Comparison Study of Commercial Banks 'Profitability between China and Foreign Country: Based on Factor Analytic Method 基于因子分析法的中外商业银行盈利能力比较研究
Application of Accumulation Factor in Analytic Hierarchy Process in Farm Machinery Selection 层次分析积因子法在农机选型中的应用
A comparison of factor analytic studies among Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale revised in china ( wais rc), wais and wais r 韦氏成人智力量表中国修订本与原量表(WAIS和WAIS-R)因素分析的比较研究
Further improvement of what has been analysed in counting the index factor with the function analytic approach of mathematics& Discuss the defect and elimination of the composite index system 用数学函数分析法对统计指数因素分析的进一步改良&谈综合指数体系的缺陷与消除
The expert factor analytic method, which is significant in theoretic design and practical application of new proposed cycle, is also presented to provide the design pressure ratio of the combined cycle according to the usage of system. 所提出的加权分析法可根据联合循环装置的用途,确定最终的装置设计压比,对新型循环装置的理论设计和实践应用具有一定的指导意义。
We elaborate the principle and the method of data envelope analysis ( DEA), and use the factor analytic method to select index and present the relative efficiency appraisal and the analysis of the Guangxi 14 cities economical development with the DEA method. 阐述了数据包络分析(DEA)的原理与方法,用因子分析法选取指标,用DEA方法对广西14个城市的经济发展进行了相对效率的评价与分析。
Of Factor Analytic Theory 因素分析理论新探
Second chapter has carried on the contrast analysis to the brand localization research technique, including the qualitative method and the quota method, introduced the factor analytic method in the quantitative investigation method, the corresponding analytic method as well as the brand locating and so on. 第二章对品牌定位的研究方法进行了对比分析,包括定性方法和定量方法,在定量研究方法中介绍了因子分析法,对应分析法以及品牌定位法等;
Similarly in order to eliminate the correlation and multiple linearity between the variables, I used the factor analytic method to carry on the variable withdraws the characteristic factor, and scored points, at last I used the factors as variables to enter the following Logistic model. 同样为了消除变量之间的相关性和多重共线性,本文采用了因子分析法对变量进行提取特征因子,并利用因子得分作为变量进入后续Logistic模型的研究。
By using a field equation with a phase factor, and analytic expression on the quark potential of a J/ ψ particle is obtained, and compared with the KMS and erf quark potentials given in refs. 利用一种带相位因子的场方程,给出了J/ψ粒子夸克势的解析表达式,并与文献中给出的KMS和erf两种夸克势作了比较。
This paper mainly uses the factor analytic method to analyse each force. Taking the score points of financial demonstration competitive power as the variable, the text carries on the cluster analysis, afterwards carries on the qualitative analysis, draws the related conclusion. 主要采用因子分析法对各个分力进行计量分析,以金融竞争力得分为变量进行聚类分析,之后再进行定性分析,得出相关结论。
In the research process, many methods are adopted comprehensively such as documents research method, factor analytic method, comparative analytic method with aids of higher Mathematics method and computer application, with synthesis of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, systematical analysis and dialectical analysis. 论文研究过程中,综合运用文献研究法、因素分析法、比较分析法,借助于高等数学方法和计算机手段,定量分析与定性分析相结合,系统分析与辩证分析相结合。
Research on Foreign Language Teaching Strategy of Developing Meta Cognitive Tactics Based on Factor Analytic Approach 基于因子分析的元认知外语教学策略研究
The thesis mainly adopts such research approaches as analytic approach of documents, description, factor analytic approach, comparative approach and case analytic approach to carry on the research of Australian foreign language education policy. 论文主要采用文献分析法、描述法、因素分析法、比较法和个案分析法等研究方法对澳大利亚外语教育政策进行研究。
The thesis makes the multiple perspectives, the comprehensive research mainly with literature law, description law, factor analytic method and comparative methods and so on to the Australian transnational higher education. 本论文以文献法、描述法、因素分析法和比较法等研究方法对澳大利亚跨国高等教育作多角度、较全面的研究。
In order to perfect the factor analytic theory, many scholars raised the revised "co-variation influence factor theory"," co-variation influence allocating theory", "variance comprehensive allocating theory", etc. 为了完善因素分析理论,学者们提出了共变影响因素论、共变影响分配论、差异综合分配论等多种修改意见。
Factor Analytic Techniques in the Evaluation of Efficient Performance 效益和成果评价的因子分析法
Methods: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analytic approaches were used to develop and evaluate the intra-structure of the scale. 方法:用探索性因素分析发展量表的初步理论结构,再用验证性因素分析证明理论结构的合理性和正确性。
Finally, explained the factor analytic method and the corresponding analytic method by the concrete example in the brand localization application. 第三章以具体实例说明了因子分析法和对应分析法在品牌定位中的应用。
There is an index system that includes 3 layers, 7 subsystems and 42 indexes for estimating urban comprehensive competitiveness. Factor analysis and analytic hierarchy process are used in calculation. 建立了一个由3个层次、7个子系统、42个指标构成的城市综合竞争力评价指标体系,综合运用因子分析法、层次分析法进行城市综合竞争力的测算。
Taking Liaoning as an example, this paper analyses and appraise the ability of supporting system of society of a city with the factor analytic approach. 以辽宁省为例,运用因子分析法对其各市社会支持系统的支持能力进行分析评价,最后得出结论。
The validity of the vehicle vibration models that are set up and of the vehicle vibration simulation calculation procedure are validated by experiment and the single factor analytic approach. 通过实验和单因素分析法对所建立的车辆振动模型的正确性及模拟计算程序的有效性进行了验证。
Factor analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP) were used to analyze the data and to build the Medical Graduates 'Competency Model. 利用因子分析和层次分析法(AHP法)建立医学毕业生胜任特征模型。
Compute the water resources carrying capacity in Yunnan Province by factor analytic approach. 采用主成分分析法计算出云南省水资源承载能力状况。
Then, using factor analysis method and analytic hierarchy process, the weights of quantitative indexes and the latter indexes have been confirmed respectively. Using the data of Chongqing and Sichuan province, an empirical test has been done to text the validity of valuation index system. 然后,运用因子分析法和层次分析法分别对数量型指标和质量型指标进行了权重的确定,使用重庆市、四川省的数据,运行了指标体系,并对运行结果进行了分析。
Exploratory factor analytic was used to develop the intra-structure of the scale. 3. 采用探索性因子分析发展C-CPCIs的初步理论结构。
Quantitative site selection single some of method select site model have weight model value model cross, the point system of the factor, the analytic approach of the level. 定量的选址方法的单点选址模型有重心模型交叉中值模型,因素评分法,层次分析法。
Three decision factors and mixed strategy probability function for MAP and STA were defined. The calculate steps of the weight value for each factor using Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP) were discussed. 为MAP和STA分别设计了三个因子作为决策的依据,给出了STA和MAP端的混合策略概率函数的定义,并采用层次分析法(AHP)分析了各个因子的权值计算步骤。
This article embarks from this point, summarizes the predecessor achievement, and uses the factor analytic method and the position entropy principle to appraisal the investment environment of Hebei Province. 本文从这一点出发,在归纳总结前人研究成果的基础上,运用因子分析法和区位熵原理对河北省的投资环境进行了评价。